Soheila Shahshahani, Iranian anthropologue talks about the film the enchanted words of the Hupd’äh by Mina Rad
Soheila talks about Mina and anthropology
Soheila Shahshahani, Iranian anthropologue talks about the film the enchanted words of the Hupd’äh by Mina Rad
Soheila talks about Mina and anthropology
Ciné Club Regards Persans A la recherche de Farideh, Finding Farideh ( film candidat à l’Oscar 2020 ) le 26 mars à 19h30 […]
Rossella Ragazzi, filmmaker, anthropologue, researcher , a thinker who brings us to create a better world through our research and our films […]
Life journey of Soheila Shahshahani with timecode